You will need
  • Computer with Internet access.
Go to the website using any browser installed on your computer.
In the appeared at the top of the page menu, select "maps".
In the search line type in your address in the following format: street name, house number, building (if any), the name of the city. Then press "enter" or click "search map".

An example of a well-formulated search query:
Bialowieza ul., 39, building 5, Moscow
Click on the "satellite" in the upper right corner of the opened card. The graphic image will change to the outer space, and a pointer indicating your home will remain. This way you will be able to see your home in a photograph taken by a satellite.
You can use this service to find any home anywhere in the world. Street names and cities can be dialed in Russian or English and the native language of the country where you live.