Today, the state offers the opportunity to get up to 120 m3 of wood for construction of residential houses. This entitlement time in 25 years. For its realization it is necessary to apply to the Forestry Agency at the place of residence. Felled trees themselves suckout and sanded.
To okarito (to remove bark) log by using several tools. Everyone chooses the most convenient. Will need a hatchet, a sharp knife, a shovel, an old hammer, the special tool "knives" or "gorilka". If possible, it is desirable to make or order a device for removing bark from logs, which was used by Russian peasants. It is made in the shape of a Crescent with two handles, the blade is sharpened at an angle of 30-40o.
The most time consuming way is to remove the bark with an axe. Therefore, this tool in such work is rarely used: it is unproductive. Things are moving much faster if to remove the bark with a sharp knife. In the presence of skill (as it appears pretty quickly) for an hour can be sanded up to 10 small logs.
A more effective tool knives. You can make it yourself. If you have an old hammer, with a need to remove the handle and grind steel blade so that after inserting the handle, it played for him a few inches. Then grind off the tip of the blade: it will be easier to attach a second handle which is cut from the tree. The shape and size of both handles should be the same. Then along the axis of the drilled through holes. Then put the handle on the blade of a sickle. For greater convenience in their wrapped with tape. The sickle is sharpened at an angle of 30-40o.
To work this tool very convenient for 10-15 minutes, you can okoiti great log. First you need to choose to adopt the most convenient for this work, the position of the body: the log should be located between your shins, legs slightly bent and apart. Back bent. Firmly holding with both hands the hilt of a sickle, its blade stabbed into the bark of a log. It is important not to damage the top layer of wood, as this can lead to its colonization by pests or decay. Uniform smooth movement with a little force pull the hammer to himself, while removing the bark of logs.
Another tool that can be used in this work, the shovel. This tool need to trim the nose and sharpen the lower edge of the steel blade. To remove the bark with a shovel is much more complicated than a hammer, but much easier than an axe. The main disadvantage of this method is that to remove the bast (first outer layer) is quite difficult.
To okarito (to remove bark) log by using several tools. Everyone chooses the most convenient. Will need a hatchet, a sharp knife, a shovel, an old hammer, the special tool "knives" or "gorilka". If possible, it is desirable to make or order a device for removing bark from logs, which was used by Russian peasants. It is made in the shape of a Crescent with two handles, the blade is sharpened at an angle of 30-40o.
The most time consuming way is to remove the bark with an axe. Therefore, this tool in such work is rarely used: it is unproductive. Things are moving much faster if to remove the bark with a sharp knife. In the presence of skill (as it appears pretty quickly) for an hour can be sanded up to 10 small logs.
A more effective tool knives. You can make it yourself. If you have an old hammer, with a need to remove the handle and grind steel blade so that after inserting the handle, it played for him a few inches. Then grind off the tip of the blade: it will be easier to attach a second handle which is cut from the tree. The shape and size of both handles should be the same. Then along the axis of the drilled through holes. Then put the handle on the blade of a sickle. For greater convenience in their wrapped with tape. The sickle is sharpened at an angle of 30-40o.
To work this tool very convenient for 10-15 minutes, you can okoiti great log. First you need to choose to adopt the most convenient for this work, the position of the body: the log should be located between your shins, legs slightly bent and apart. Back bent. Firmly holding with both hands the hilt of a sickle, its blade stabbed into the bark of a log. It is important not to damage the top layer of wood, as this can lead to its colonization by pests or decay. Uniform smooth movement with a little force pull the hammer to himself, while removing the bark of logs.
Another tool that can be used in this work, the shovel. This tool need to trim the nose and sharpen the lower edge of the steel blade. To remove the bark with a shovel is much more complicated than a hammer, but much easier than an axe. The main disadvantage of this method is that to remove the bast (first outer layer) is quite difficult.