You will need
  • - alcohol-containing liquid;
  • - a cotton ball;
  • - soap solution;
  • - washing powder;
  • - acetone;
  • - gasoline;
  • - white spirit;
  • - kerosene;
  • - solvent;
  • - liquid varnish remover.
If you have soiled clothes bar corrector water based, it washed off it will not be easy. Samite concealer under running water with soap, wash the product in the usual way, suitable for this type of tissues.
To wash things, soiled bar concealer alcohol-based, perform a preliminary removal of stains with alcohol, vodka, Cologne or a tonic alcohol-based. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in alcohol-containing liquid, wipe the place of contamination, wash a thing in the usual way.
Emulsion-based touch-corrector is a mixture of alcohol and water. To remove dirt, use alcohol-containing liquid. Put on the spot alcohol, Cologne, vodka or other products containing alcohol with a cotton pad, wash the product in the usual way.
The most difficult to remove concealer solvent-based. To remove it you will have to use aggressive means which are not suitable for all fabrics. Use thinner, acetone, white spirit, gasoline, kerosene or liquid varnish remover. Apply any of these funds on a cotton pad, wipe the stain, leave for 20 minutes, soak a new disc by any means, again, wipe the contaminated area, wash the product.
If you got a proofreader solvent-based silk, wool, acetate, velvet things, then give them to the dry cleaners or put in place pollution the application, as these tissues cannot use aggressive substances or instead of pollution you will get a burnt spot.
To remove the bar of the corrector with tape roller, soak the fabric in warm water with soapy solution for 30-40 minutes, press, remove the correction tape, wash a thing in the usual way, suitable for this type of tissues.