You will need
- Documents required for registration at the place of residence: passport, a sheet of departure from the place where you were previously registered, military ID (for men).
Get permission from the landlord to the residence. It is the local authority, the address where you will get a prompt in the housing Department. The landlord can refuse, if after your registration on every resident of the apartments will have an area of less accounting norms. If you are a close relative of the persons registered in the apartment, to begin the registration process should to the next step.
Contact passport office with all necessary documents. The presence of all adult tenants that are registered in this apartment, definitely. The staff of the passport office will offer them to write a statement indicating that they have no objection to your residence.
Write a statement that will be the basis for your residence permit at the new address. To register you, the police according to the law is three days.
For registration at the new address you have 7 days from the time you withdrew from the account at the old place of residence. In the case of a delay, you will have to pay a fine.