Users of the network "Beeline" can at any time use the service called "Mobile transfer". However, immediately transfer money to the another account is impossible. First, send the operator an application, then confirm to send funds. To do this, start typing the USSD-dial *145* the recipient's phone number* transfer amount# and press the call key. By the way, be sure to specify a room number 7 or 8. The amount of the performed payment must be an integer, whatever currency has been provided by your hosting plan.
Clients of MTS can send inside your network USSD request *112*subscriber's number* the amount of departure#. The maximum size of a single payment is 300 rubles, but if you want to pass more, send another request. As subscribers of "Beeline", you must specify in the translation the exact amount (e.g., exactly 100, not 103). Please note that this service is not free, for its use from your balance will be charged 7 rubles (for sending each request).
MTS company also offers all subscribers the option "Direct transfer". It has two types. The first of them is regular. If you install such transfer, to the beneficiary's account at a certain time will receive cash (for example, once a week or a month, the timer can be set for any period). To activate this service, send USSD command to *111*phone number in any format* frequency of payments: 1 — daily, 2 — weekly, 3 — monthly* amount of transfer#.
Additionally, you can configure one-time transfer. Dial on your phone USSD-dial *111* phone number in any format* the amount of transfer (a number from 1 to 300)#. Each submission will cost 7 roubles.