Complete your business transaction to write-off, accounting documents: - the order on appointment of the Commission on write-off of fixed assets;- the act on the recognition of the asset unfit for use;- the order on the asset with the arrival of scrap metal. The act of recognition of the asset unserviceable shall be signed by all members of the Commission for cancellation. On the basis of this document shall be made in order to write off the asset with the arrival of scrap metal.
Make accounting records of transactions on the basis of the act on the recognition of the asset unusable:"the Debit of the account 01 "fixed assets" (the subaccount "asset retirement"), the Credit of account 01 (sub-account "fixed assets in operation") - decommissioned original cost of the retired asset"."The debit of account 02 "depreciation of fixed assets", Credit of account 01 (the subaccount "asset retirement") is charged to accumulated depreciation"."The debit of account 91 (a subaccount "asset retirement"), the Loan 01 "fixed assets" (the subaccount "asset retirement") - written off residual value of the object".
Make a journal entry for posting of details obtained as a result of the dismantlement of decommissioned fixed asset in case they are useful for use in the production: the Debit of account 10 (sub-accounts "Raw materials"), the Credit of account 91 (sub-account "other income") is considered the arrival of the parts after disassembly of decommissioned fixed asset. The parish should implement at the current market value of these items.
Surrendered unusable in its current business activities of metal and parts obtained in the dismantling of the asset. To do this, make a receipt in form M-4. Record the following accounting transactions: "Debit account 10 "Materials" (the subaccount "Raw materials"), the Credit of account 91 (a subaccount "asset retirement") - taken into account the arrival of parts and metal".
Arrange the write-off of the metal after its completion in metal. To do this in accounting records: "in the Debit of account 62 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" the Credit of account 91 (sub-account "other income") - reflects sale of scrap metal"."The debit of account 91 (a subaccount "asset retirement"), the Credit of account 10 "Materials" (the subaccount "other materials") - charged metal and the worthless parts."