For example, the variety of this flower garden of the "cliff" may be arranged only in the area where there is a territory with steep slopes. On it using the method of dry masonry, you can build a sheer cliff that mimic the natural landscape of the mountains. Is somewhat more difficult to arrange such variety of this flower bed as "mountain slope". As it is an imitation of the Alpine highlands in the form of a collapse of rocks and crumbled rocks. For the construction of a flower garden is also necessary slope, steep or sloping.

If the site has natural elevation changes, it would be logical to equip it rock garden type "hollow". The slope of the natural depression should be strengthened with stones, by digging in the ground suitable for the appearance of the lumps and boulders. In this composition, harmoniously will look artificial reservoir that mimics a waterfall or a spring.

Another view of the Alpine slide is a "mountain valley". Here it is necessary to mimic the natural mountain landscape, which is perfectly achieved by using artificially created mountain paths and added to a composition of boulders, overgrown with moss. In addition to these species, simulating the natural mountain landscape on your plot you can create also such varieties of Alpine slides like a flat rock garden, "border", the terraced slope. Although in this case, and will be noticed that the flower beds have been created artificially, they are no less beautiful and original decoration for your site.