Wicker fence can be used as fence for zoning of land for certain purposes; they are resistant, undemanding to handle, if previously in the Assembly was treated with antiseptic, preventing damage beams-bearers, economic, aesthetic and stylistically stay out of the picture suburban and rural landscapes.

Make the fence from the branches of any tree. The softer the branch, the easier it is to work with them. If the collected material suddenly dried up and does not have the required flexibility, this can be remedied by soaking the branches in warm water for a time from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Excessive moisture can destroy the tree. Usually the harvesting of branches on the hedges is in spring or autumn, when the material still has its natural softness, or have ceased to bloom.

It should be remembered that the weave of the bottom adjacent to the soil layer, the branches that will be used should be cleared of bark, so that the fence does not rot, has not bloomed and has not grown in the ground that may distort the harmony of the future fence.

The process of weaving is not very complicated. The main phase of the fence or that the fence is in the process of measuring the area and calculating the necessary construction material. As branches for weaving, you can use any, as long as they were healthy and kept some design rules, for example, colors do not distract from one tone, then the lack of a resource it is possible at any time to replenish. Special attention should be paid to the supporting stakes that will keep the design.

The quality of the support rods depends on the lifetime of the fence. Despite the fact that these fences have a relatively short service life, because of the poor quality of the material of the rods, the fence may fall apart, parasitise or fall apart in the next damp season and not perestat frosts. Therefore, choosing a support if it's wood, you need to ensure that the tree from which it will be manufactured, to be healthy, and treated with antiseptic; however, if it is metal, it too should be cleaned of external mud and covered with some protection from rust. The entanglement of twigs branches "eight".

The height and density of weaving is governed from the purpose for which the fence is erected. The denser woven fence, the faster the space between the bars will be closed down and hide the view of the courtyard.