Essential oils

Essential oil compounds are biologically active substances that have a fragrance. Such oils do not dissolve in water and are colorless, and evaporate at room temperature. Essential oils are added to baths, creams and other cosmetic products. It is important not to apply them on the skin without the addition of cosmetic oils and creams, because it can lead to allergic reactions.

When choosing essential oils you should pay attention to its scope. For example, oil for scenting premises is not suitable for addition to cosmetics.

Below are oils that can and should be added in cosmetics.

The tea tree. This oil should be applied, if it is necessary to remove pain or to disinfect the skin. It can be applied to inflamed areas of the skin.

Bergamot helps in the treatment of diseases of the skin, has antifungal and antibacterial properties and leaves skin fresh and radiant.

Grapefruit helps with swelling and pain in the temporal region.

Ylang ylang supports the immune system.

Lavender speeds up healing of damaged skin, makes it taut and perfectly soothes after a hard day or stressful situations.

Lemon improves the immune system.

Oil andmbira and juniper reduce skin pores.

Patchouli is used for oily and aging skin.

Fir is used to fight cellulite.

Tangerine relieves anxiety, breaks down fats and makes pale skin look beautiful.

Sandalwood calms the nervous system, normalizes hormonal disruptions.

Cosmetic oil

These oils are ready to use to care for your body. They have different color and texture depending on the type of oil. Cosmetic oils used for massage, in the form of compresses for dry skin. They will not harm the skin around the eyes and lips. One of the most useful oils is almond oil and grapeseed oil. They are perfectly moisturize the skin and saturate it with vitamins.

A good cosmetic oil does not leave a greasy feeling. All oils and their constituent components are made from plants.

Oils are useful and indispensable in everyday care of the skin and hair, so it is important to carefully choose the oil. Then, from self-care to maximum benefit.