At what distance to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse

Start transplanting of cucumbers in Central Russia in mid-may, because at this time, often, night is no frost. As for the distance at which the plants should be from each other, it depends on the varieties of cucumbers, and method of planting.

Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the distance between the cucumbers can vary between 40 and 60 centimeters. And the vertical method of planting the optimum interval of 40-50 cm, and in horizontal - not less than 60 cm Even if you have a fairly large garden plot and you have the opportunity to select for cucumber wide bed, choose the vertical method of planting, as in this case, you will get a bigger crop of cucumbers.

At what distance to plant the tomatoes in the greenhouse

The scheme of planting tomatoes depends on the cultivar, the formation of the stems and leaves of plants. To obtain the maximum yield of tomatoes, not too sagomate, as otherwise they will not have enough sunlight, humidity exceeds all norms.

Common recommendations method of planting tomatoes is not, however, considered that the best way upsetting mid-season low-growing crops (these include varieties of "Pink leader", "Dachnik", "Fontanka", etc.) - a chess. The plants are thriving and give a good harvest when planting them in two rows, distance between rows, and by the tomato - 50 centimeters.

The mid tomato varieties stambenih (undersized Slavovitsa "bullfinch", "Dominator" etc give a good harvest and a very small area. For example, such varieties can be planted 25 cm apart, in rows at a distance of 50 centimeters. One thing to consider with this method of planting seedlings require more careful care. Indeterminate tall varieties of tomatoes should be planted at a distance of 60 centimeters from each other when the width of the rows is 70-80 cm. Data classes include "the tower", "Start 1" and other.

At what distance to plant peppers in the greenhouse

Peppers - pretty warm-weather crop, so in an average strip of Russia it is better to grow them in greenhouses and greenhouses. The width of the beds in the greenhouse should be within one meter (to make it easier to loosen the earth and to water the plants). As for the method of planting when growing peppers, giving a small fruit, plants can be planted at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, in other cases at least 40 centimeters. In General, peppers are very fond of "freedom", so if you have the opportunity, not thickening landings. In the future you will be easier to care for plants: water them, fertilize, loosen the earth.