Today all doors are klassificeret one parameter to the material used to manufacture them. They are:
1) steel;
2) metal;
3) aluminum;
4) wood;
5) plastic.
Next we will talk about steel door designs, which are currently in great demand among the population.
High-quality steel door shall provide maximum protection of the premises, that is good to resist break-ins, various physical impacts, fires, and in some cases even firearms. The reliability of this design is determined by several criteria, the main of which is the resistance to break — ins. Under current standards, the steel doors are degrees of burglary are 13 classes. The design of the first four classes are used in various residential and all the other — numerous state and public institutions, warehouses, etc.
It is important to realize that in the world there are no doors that cannot be opened, even despite the many beliefs of the sellers about the opposite. Can open any door — just needs some time and a necessary tool. What matters is the duration of this "procedure". Naturally, the longer an attacker can mess with the door, the better it is for the owner of the premises.
All steel doors differ only in time period required for opening. For example, the design of the first burglar resistance have a claw hammer, crowbar or scrap metal for 5-9 minutes, and the 4-th class, it will require much more time — 23-35 minutes. But there is a possibility of reliability improvement of steel doors, involving the use of a special system of so-called active and passive beams. They allow you to completely eliminate any hacking by mechanical means.
Another parameter that determines the degree of reliability of steel doors is the availability of special devices for opening and locking. They represent a variety of turntables, keys, including electronic, magnetic cards and many other devices for identification. Widely used as a variety of remote systems.
High-quality steel door needs to have at least two locking mechanisms. To increase the safety of such structures, it is recommended to cut the locks of two types — lever, acting as the main mechanism, and cylinder as a further element. This combination is most suitable, as detainer lock perfectly resists force and cylinder mechanism is very difficult to open with use of lock picks. Steel door must be equipped with quality anti-burglary protection, prevent the removal of the structure from the hinges.
Due attention when buying a steel door should be given to the exterior. Ways of execution of both internal and external decoration, there are many, ranging from the most modest and unassuming comfy and elegant. Door selection for this parameter depends on the type of structure for which it is intended. In addition, it is worth saying that the steel input design can be in every way to decorate, but not to forget that its design should be in harmony with the surrounding design.