Of course, we all want this wonderful invention has not only added beauty to our lips, but also carried a useful function. Many manufacturers use in creating a variety of therapeutic formulations, nutritional oils, waxes, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory components.

Before you purchase the lipstick or lip gloss, it is necessary to look at the price, because sometimes cheap products can contain not nutrients, harmful to health, which may lead to a serious allergic reaction. In the winter it is best to use lipstick with a nutrient composition, and in the summer with moisturizing.

Chapstick is considered as harmless, it contains no dyes. That's why we buy it to their children, especially in the frosty time to warn or prevent cracking of the skin of the lips.

The smell of the lipstick should be pleasant or absent altogether. On the column there should not be cracks and accumulations of moisture. In addition, lipstick should be soft to the touch and when applied should not be any discomfort.

And most importantly – the shelf life of an open lipstick no more than 3.5—4 months. Lipstick packaging – 2-2.5. Please note the deadline expired lipstick can not be used.