You will need
- card of VTB 24;
- - the number of the card of Sberbank.
For cardholders of VTB 24 provides several features for transferring funds on a plastic card that belonged to a client of Sberbank. To send funds via ATM or online.
For transfer through an ATM of VTB24 insert the card and enter the pin code. In the dialog box menu, select "Payments & transfers", then "Transfer to the number of cards of another Bank." Complete the number of the card of Sberbank and click "Continue".
Specify the transfer amount. After checking your completed transfer options have to click the "Confirm"button.
For translation you can use the Internet Bank VTB24-Online. To do this, log in and select "Translations". Then find the tab "Transfer from card to card".
Select the card to be debited from the drop-down list (if several) and enter the number of the plastic receiver of the money. Confirm the operation by introducing SMS come to the phone.
Also to transfer money you can use third-party services that offer instant transfers from card to card. For example, this feature is implemented at Yandex.Money (at For translation enter their card details card VTB24 and Sberbank. The only condition: VTB24 card must support security technology 3‑D Secure.
Also you can transfer money in some of the official websites of Russian banks. And not necessarily website VTB24 and Sberbank. The translation is carried out by card number.
The fee for transfer from card of VTB to Sberbank through an ATM is at least 50 p. or 1.25%, through VTB24 Online - 30 R.