When you write a statement about the absence of the child at school

There are the following situations when you need to write a statement about the absence of the child at school:

the child missed school due to unforeseen legitimate reason, to warn you when the school management failed;

- if the parents are planning ahead to go with the child to trip and pre-warned about this Director;

- the child was ill and was absent not more than 3 days (for a longer period to the statement are required to submit a certificate confirming the finding of the child on treatment).

The procedure of preparation statement to the school about the child's absence

To write a statement about the absence of the child at school, must adhere to the following order:

  • choose one method of application is handwritten or printed;
  • on a sheet of A4 paper in the upper right part is a kind of column, in which alternately the full name of the institution surname and initials of the Director of the school, and the last name and the full name of the parent;
  • in the middle of the sheet with a capital letter to spell the word "Statement";
  • next paragraph in any form written main text, which details, but without superfluous emotions to show the circumstances of the case and the reason for the absence of the child at school;
  • in the bottom left of the sheet indicates the date of compilation of the statement, and opposite, on the right side, the surname and initials of the preparer of the document and put his signature.

The document "a statement of the child's absence the school should be written briefly, correctly, in formal style, without corrections and unnecessary emotions, and contain only truthful information.