Who is a professional artist?

Let's start with this term - "professional". Despite its paradoxicality, accurate and unified understanding of who is a professional artist, no. But there are signs by which to judge the artist, in terms of the professionalism.

Look, every professional activity has its own minimum threshold. For a paralegal is paralegal education, for a carpenter, a vocational school, medical University. And for the professional artist Planck considerable - higher education and vocational secondary education, which is focused on practical mastery of a student-a graduate of the art graphics, the skill of painting and sculpture. This is the first sign.

How it affects the artist? Very often, when a customer is looking for a good artist, it narrows it down to the most skilful masters, namely, masters diploma. Then the self-taught may not pay attention, but it does not mean that the second something worse. The diploma gives no guarantee that the artist really owns high skills. There are hundreds to thousands of examples when samples of the self-taught was much more effective artists with diploma. And yet this formal indication is taken into account.

The second characteristic of professionalism is the real level of skill of the artist, namely his technique. And to truly test it only to those works which he carried out in a realistic manner, i.e. with nature.

Other signs are complementary. For example, when painting for the artist is the main type of its activity, it receives income from it, has been active exhibition activities.

And another very weighty argument, we will touch on later when we look at the path to becoming a professional artist, is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

Conclusion: and now, without any boring and abstruse words. Whether to learn and get an education? Let's just say, if you are under the age, it will greatly help you as a future master. And I would refuse such a possibility would not. Unless you have concerns with money, family, house, children, etc. - the Golden age, write and learn.

Well, if the train has left, then there are planes. Joke! For creativity no age. You can become a professional and without any diplomas. Especially in light of today's information availability to raise your level of skill independently, as well as various courses for beginners and even professionals.

I believe that a professional artist is not one who has many degrees, and not even the one who writes beautifully. For me a professional artist is one who is able to convey their feelings and emotions on a canvas, calling their own viewers.

"The artist paints not what he sees but what he feels". Pablo Picasso

How to become a professional artist and you need to do?

1. Where should you start?

Of course, with their skills. What do you think, how far you go, not being able to practice even the basic rules of drawing? If you have a talent from God, even this does not mean that the training was a lost cause. More persistent and purposeful people will surpass you. Therefore, to study the need to always and constantly. Alas, without this Pro you cannot become.

Purchase, the minimum kit for a beginner painter and write. Quite a few paints, brushes and canvas (or progruntovali fiberboard sheet). Do not try immediately to create masterpieces. Not in a hurry. If you are uncomfortable painting in front of strangers or even loved ones, browse to and select for yourself spare time when you're alone.

Council. Strongly recommend to read the book of Betty Edwards "discover the artist within". It will allow you to get rid of internal psychological problems associated with painting. Also get new technological and technical tricks and techniques from the book Smith of ray's "Table book of the artist". These two books available for download on the Internet.

2. Progress the implementation of the paintings promotion

Now imagine this situation: suppose you have accumulated certain experience, has written several paintings, and possibly graduated from art College. What's next? Where to put pictures? But work, family, everyday things...

Then 90% of the artists are staying, they just do not know what to do next. I know I say Cezanne? "If you want to become an artist, your parents must be rich". Why these words? And the fact that the artist is a creative person who needs to devote all his time and energy painting. But what are the current realities? Everyone needs a home, food, clothes. And if you're an artist, or anyone else, to think about these things and spend their time in their production must. And how then to be a creative person? Based on the above still to become a professional artist is quite real, and there are only 3 ways:

  • Internet and gallery

Worth to mention: the artist - not the seller, he manufacturer. To create true masterpieces, the artist does not have to waste your precious energy thinking about the sale of paintings. Leave that to the people who can do that. There is even a saying: "a Good businessman is a bad artist."

The Internet gives a lot. Any artist can now be seen in the viewer with the help of social networks, forums, blogs for artists. Thanks to the Internet you can create your own page and have her to acquaint people with their works.

As for the galleries - they are intermediaries between artist and buyer. In Moscow, for example, those of about 70. If at least one third of them will be at least one of your picture, then on the financial side, you may never worry, as it will be abundantly satisfied.

Sounds, of course, sweet, but you have to get there yet. Beginner artist will have patience and perseverance to your work wanted to at least look. And perseverance as time works wonders, examples of this our great Levitan, Picasso, Monet, and Korovin.

Just start gradually wearing his work in galleries, not really hoping for their approval. Sooner or later you will succeed. It is only a matter of time.

  • To join a professional organization

At the beginning of the article, we have addressed this issue. Such organizations today are the Moscow Union of artists and Russian Union of artists. These organizations conduct active exhibition activity, and the all-Russian scale and at elite venues. Such exhibitions are always accompanied by increased media attention, journalists, rich people, respected by critics, fans and officials. Imagine the fame and status you can get if you are gonna be on it for his work?!

What this gives you? Perhaps this is the most direct way to the top, as the lone artist-the traveler will not be able to do alone as much as you can with two, three and more. In 1-2 years you can reach incredible heights thanks to life in your organization.

What is required of you? Active and life in the midst of the talented work of assignments, mutual aid, perseverance, communication with the people. But most importantly, the artist must choose the group with which it matches the ideological views and interests, or they will have to adjust. Neutral position will bring nothing, so you have to choose. Yes, even in such organizations there is a division into groups and the competition for the promotion and extension of his ideas as the best and correct. Therefore, I recommend to choose one of reputable and to defend its interests, in order to get to the top and get there close contacts.

  • Own brand (name)

This path is very difficult, unpredictable and disastrous, because of the lack of patience and pressure from the outside. For example, you had another exhibition where to sell anything failed. The result - loss of money, energy, faith in himself. And suddenly there are "philosophers" who say, they say, "Yes, trust me on that, nothing happens, waste of time!"

The main thing here is not to give up, to grow and to go to the finish.

"If I stop, I'll die." A. Mironov

Find the highest stratum of people who will offer their paintings. If you go out to the wreck in order to sell the picture, then nothing worthwhile will not receive, except of notoriety among a small group of people. You need the business elite of your site, i.e., successful and wealthy people. And it is with them need to make contact, as their potential is much greater than ordinary people.

How to do it? Not necessary to organize costly exhibition. Enough to print the directory with your pictures, and have him to crawl on all large and successful companies. Introduce yourself, announce your purpose of the visit and, preferably, get to the head. If not, leave the directory or drive from the office, and then dial it on the phone and scout that as a Yes. But better to meet in person.

The majority of business leaders willing to deal with artists. They like to see the pictures and buy them. For you, it is a good new contacts and fame.

Summary. To become a professional you need to always develop and work on their weaknesses. Try yourself in different directions, analyze your mistakes, relax, equals the best. Grow on all fronts - in economy, social relations, culture, religion. After all, people of little interest to contemplate the experiences of only one person. But they with delight will be to see what personally excites them, and that is closely linked to their life, environment, influence, etc.

P. S. Finally I would like to recommend not to take to heart the criticism of others. Especially from those people who are far away from painting. You can tell a person who has no idea how to create a work of art? If you need a proper advice or criticism, please refer to the master. All others just say, "thank you for paying attention". But I don't take them seriously!

"Everybody lies!" Dr. House.