Fill your website with content relevant to the user audience and not search engines. Write interesting material for humans, share the facts and opinions that will be of real benefit to readers.
Pay attention to the uniqueness of the content. If you just copy material from another website, you risk to get under the engine pessimizatsiey Yandex. Writing unique content is involved in professional copywriters and SEO copywriters, and the task of the owner of the website is to clearly articulate technical tasks to them. Look for copywriters should be on textual exchanges or forums for SEO.
Remember the word TIC (thematic index of citing) and work on his promotion. The TIC reflects the "weight" and significance of your site through the eyes of other websites of similar subjects. One of the easiest ways to improve the TIC is to ask the owner of a similar-themed site to put an active link to your website. Widespread also buying links on your Internet site.
Take the time to create a directory useful to your audience links and put the links on authoritative sites for your resources. You can be sure that at least half of them will tell you the same, since such behavior requires a network ethics.
Be honest with ourselves and users, selecting the semantic core (keywords for which it will be possible to find you) for the site. For example, if you are the owner of a small printing company that works 3 days a week - not worth it to move on demand "instant printing cheap around the clock": Yandex will remove your website from the issuance after the first complaints of the disappointed user.
Take a few hours to create a proper site map and the correct file robots.txt.
Register your site in thematic directories - this will help not only to raise the TIC, but will also attract more audience.