First, you need to weigh the pet. It is better to use scales that are more accurate. Weight is the main criterion of the accuracy of nursing as a kitten should gain weight. You need to weigh regularly, to start every day, then every three to four days.
The amount of feed also depends on the age of the kitten. To eight weeks of age the best food is a substitute cat milk. But if the extra funds to purchase this expensive product, you can use its analogues.

From all the things that you can feed kittens, can you recommend a "milkshake". Make it very simple: you'll need 1 Cup (250 ml) whole milk, 2 egg yolks, 30 ml cream, 30 ml of bio yogurt without additives (laktobifid). All this is mixed in a mixer, blender or by hand.

This cocktail is particularly well suited for young kittens, which is hard to cope with solid food.

You can also cook porridge from baby food or use egg powder, dissolved in cow's milk. In the first week of life, the approximate weight of a kitten in 100 grams, he should be given 30 ml of the mixture.

In the first four days to feed every two hours. The fifth day night you can feed every three hours. Starting from the second week, the volume should be increased to 50 ml with a periodicity of 4 hours.
From the second month of life, a kitten should be accustomed to solid foods and gradual transition to more adult food. If you decide to feed kitten food, then you need to know how.

Feeds come in economy, premium, super premium and holistic class. The higher the class, the food is better quality, the more its composition of meat and natural substances. In quality forages should be more than 30% meat ingredients.

Such popular and widely advertised food economy class are composed of less than 0.5% of meat ingredients. The feed is empty. Kittens do not eat and constantly asking to eat. Also, these foods contain a lot of flavors, additives and substitutes. You should know what a quality food will never be colored. It is therefore very important to take responsibility for the choice of food.

If you decide to feed your kitty quality food, then up to three months, he should eat 50 grams a day, from three to six months 100g. With seven months again, you can give less. Usually kitten he knows when to stop and eat when you want. But some have no sense of proportion, and need to limit their Pets.
If you feed your baby normal food and don't know how much to feed a kitten exemplary rules are:

The age of the kitten 1.5-2 months (active growth). The number of feedings per day — not less than 6, the daily rate of 120-150 grams. At this time, it is necessary to limit the consumption of milk, milk porridge.

Age 3-6 months (active growth). The number of feedings to 4 times per day, daily rate of 180-240 g. the Daily ration of meat not less than 35-40 g.

Age 6-9 months (active development). The number of feedings to 3 times per day, daily rate of 200-250 g. the Maximum demand for food in growing cats need for age 6 to 9 months.

In 10-12 months the development activity decreases. The number of feedings to 2 times a day, daily dose — 150-200 g