Markets premium

The premium supermarket first appeared in Russia in 2000-ies and was originally called the groceries. Today this format of grocery stores is considered elite, because they offer buyers a wide range of different overseas delicacies, exotic fruits, rare varieties of sweets, teas, coffee and alcohol.

In the exclusive shopping you can also purchase ready-made food, not inferior to restaurant meals.

In fifth place in the ranking of the Metropolitan elite supermarket is a supermarket "Crossroads", where you can purchase the freshest products everyday use, and delicacies imported from all over the world. In addition, a network of "Crossroads" was one of the first to work with its own brand.

Fourth place is the premium supermarket "the Seventh Continent-Five Stars" and "Gastronomy", owned by the online grocery company "the Seventh Continent". Data multi-format shopping centres offer customers a huge range of diverse products and flexible pricing policy that allows you to purchase high-quality goods at affordable prices.

The leaders of the rating

Third place rightfully belongs to the premium supermarket operating under the brand "ABC of Taste", known for its service, sophisticated style, and rare assortment. In "ABC of Taste" sell rare expensive liquor, 18 thousand items of fresh products, dishes personal manufacturer and many delicious delicacies.

In supermarkets premium average bill is significantly higher than the check in standard supermarkets with the standard range.

In second place are the stores "Stockmann" where you can buy original products and various overseas delicacies, choosing from 22 000 domestic and imported items. Also the supermarket "Stockmann" sell high quality products their own brands.

The winner of the rating are a gourmet supermarket "Globus gourmet", in which nezavyshennye prices you can purchase rare and exotic products in the form of various cheeses, alcoholic beverages, chocolatada, meat animals, poultry and fish, and even more unusual delicacies. Feature of "Globus gourmet" is its own bakery and patisserie where you can buy delicious sweets and the fresh pastries.