Sometimes, for security reasons, vigilant mothers don't allow their kids to play in the sandbox on the Playground. Their fear was understandable since, filling one box with sand, the local authority does not take responsibility for its cleanliness.

But what kind of childhood without playing with the sand?! It is possible to provide play space with a sandpit on the plot, if the family has so, but then another question arises – where to find sand for the sandbox, corresponding to all norms.

Requirements for the sand for children's sandboxes

I must say that the purchase of sand is not a problem, but not everyone is suitable for children to play. Before looking for the coordinates of the organizations or individuals involved with the delivery of sand, we should define the question – what is needed.

Quartz, as a rule, do not use for children's games, although in terms of radioactivity it's just as safe as all other types of sand. The reason lies in its high price. It is obtained by grinding natural quartz, and for use for children's sandboxes and even calcined in the production process, thus eliminating from potentially harmful bacteria and impurities.

Quarry sand is a natural formation obtained in the course of destruction of rocks. Cleaned up the sand from the quarry is quite suitable for the sandbox, the permissible amount of impurities of clay it is considered to be 2%.

The third popular variety of river sand, which is extracted from the bottom of natural waters. It is considered the most preferred for children's amusement, though, to think that only a river suitable for the sandbox, is wrong. Any of these varieties can be used for kids games. All depends on the size of fractions and purity.

Who to contact for purchase

Total cost is cheaper purchasing of sand from private owners, it is unlikely he will provide the documents for the proposed product. It is best to go to major manufacturer, which will confirm the quality of the sand an appropriate certificate. Sand for sandbox must meet the requirements of GOST R 523012004 in which the particle size should not be less than 0.2 and more than 2 mm. But experts say that even 0, 2 too small. They are easy to take to the air at the slightest breeze and can get into the respiratory tract.

More confidence in parents causes river sand because it is the purest and does not contain clay impurities, but the perfect exception of the clay particles is also undesirable. From this sand will not be able to sculpt any figurines of sand.
You should not be afraid to apply to construction organizations, because many of them have in stock in addition to construction sand and sand for children's sandboxes. Of course, not all agree to deliver it in small amounts, but many are happy to provide this service.

The amount in the amount of tons should not scare you, because just 1 cubic meter of moist sand weighs 1.5 tons. One sandbox is medium in size need not less than 2 cubic meters. If the sandbox is quite small, you can always cooperate with their neighbors and bring good, clean sand for the games of his child. The purchase of the store is also an option, guaranteeing the presence of the certificate. Those who live by the river, easier to get sand on their own. Only it is better to sift when dry.