And the answer comes by itself. Basil - comes originally from the warm. First, an important condition for germination warm soil. But, be aware that only dry sow Basil seeds! Hurry up with the seeding (for the Central part of Russia) do not. Sowing in open ground is carried out in late may - early June.

Seeds are sown in the ground when the soil warms up to 12-15 degrees, to a depth of 1.5 cm Shoots appear after 2-3 weeks. The distance between rows is to do 20-30 cm, and in row 25 cm per 1 m2, place no more than 10 plants.

During germination seeds need moisture is very high, so the seedlings need to be watered. If you are cold, cover the bed with tape or covering material. Bed place in places heated by the sun, sheltered from cold North winds. Basil likes fertile, filled with organic matter light soil. Best predecessors - potatoes, beans, cucumber, tomato.

Basil does not cause much trouble to care for. It is practically not damaged by pests and diseases (Fusarium wilt and gray mold) appear only under excessive humidity and dense planting. Therefore it is necessary to thin the plants and remove diseased.