If the conversation with the employer is scheduled as part of the interview, it should start with a greeting and presentation (who you are, what position and where learned of job). After that go to questions of jobs, specify the duties, place of work, schedule and other nuances. Not worth it with the threshold to be interested in wages, because this behavior indicates that the person is not able to give and everywhere seeking benefits for themselves. Your credibility will fall significantly in the eyes of the employer, and it is fraught with failure.

• Do not ask to clarify the meaning of the vacancy (exception: a new post appeared on the labour market and have not received fame).
• Do not mention personal troubles. People with problems either in the same organization.
• Do not try deliberately to please. Such a candidate can instantly calculate the manner of behavior.
Prepare the speech. It should be concise and at the same time compelling to the outcome of the upcoming meeting was to be expected.

Construct a dialogue in accordance with paragraphs:

• Prepare a brief proposal;
• Make emphasis on your contribution to the development of the company;
• Argue the benefits for businesses that it will receive;
• Summarize, our thoughts should be coherent and complete.
Make an appointment make an appointment. If the conversation required more than 5 minutes, it is better to first agree on the visit. In this case, increases the likelihood that everything will go according to plan and the dialogue will not be crumpled for lack of free time.