Organize proper nutrition. Not accidentally, doctors say that the man is what he eats. Anything that gets in the body, anyway, affects the appearance. However, it is also shown that out of ignorance or laziness gets in the body - necessary vitamins, micro and macro, nutrients, etc. Balanced nutrition are a sure guarantee of good health at any age. In contrast, unhealthy foods, frequent consumption of fatty, smoked and spicy food leads to early aging. Include in your menu more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink natural juices, but avoid alcohol, energy and soft drinks refuse categorically. Closer to 50 years rethink your diet: instead of the usual each day 2.500 calories be content with 1.500. Thus, you will say "no" excess weight – the cause of many diseases.
Be active. Movement – life. This familiar to ear the phrase actually is a rule for those who don't want to put up with the negative manifestations of old age – diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal and other body systems. Visit (regularly) pool, gym. Make it a rule every day Hiking in the fresh air. As a result, the blood will circulate actively and, as a consequence, all the organs will start to get oxygen in sufficient quantity. And this, in turn, will positively affect the health and psychological condition, and age-related changes in the body, including appearance, will not happen before the time.
Train your brains. That's not training, it is not developed, and unnecessary loses its functions altogether. Not to get premature weakening of the mind, memory, ability logically to think and adequately, read more, crossword puzzles and charades, learn foreign languages... in short, do what requires mental activity and mental activity.
Communicate! Solitude, contemplation, thinking alone about being and the Universe is good, but it should be in moderation. After all, human beings are collective and only the collective, he can realize himself as a person, understand its purpose, to feel the demand. And this awareness allows you to feel young and do not pay attention on age.
Visit your doctor not only in case of illness, but in prevention, consult with him, listen to his recommendations. A good doctor can prevent many age-related illnesses – weak immune system and heart activity, the fragility of the joints, memory loss etc. Follow the pressure level of cholesterol in the blood, pass a medical examination, the results of which can detect signs of many age-related diseases at an early stage.
Make sure your appearance. Use anti-aging remedies that today in a huge number of cosmetic companies offer. Dose sun exposure – UV rays age the skin, provoking the appearance of age spots and deep wrinkles. Summer wear the big hat and round sunglasses. Before going outdoors, apply a cream with SPF protection. Take vitamins and the antioxidant systems to maintain youthful skin.
Do not be discouraged. Under no circumstances, do not give in to anxiety and worry about the fact that youth is irretrievably gone, and approaching old age. Gerontologists say that this kind of panic seen in people closer to 40, but gradually it recedes, and after 55-60 years comes a relaxed attitude to the fact of growing up. Moreover, the person starts to feel increasingly happy. And this is logical: life took place, attitudes and priorities formed, many of the plans executed, you can reap the benefits of its activities and to feel free. Learn to enjoy every day, to see the positive in things, and old age will never come. At least old age of the soul and spirit.