If we consider carefully the statistics of complaints, the most common buyers of plastic Windows does not complain on the design, and faulty installation. Up to 90% of cases accounts for situations where the window design ceases to meet the requirements of a customer due to poor installation. Not to join the sad list, don't leave to chance the installation process, no matter how famous the firm you have chosen.

What are the risks of improper installation?

Errors in installation can cause the Windows will cause condensation subsequently – formed mold. In the rain can be loud rattle Weir, noise slopes. Winter window, when they are improperly installed, covered with frost. This situation appears mostly because of the incompetence Gager and amateurism masters, errors just lead to negative consequences.
During installation, there may be little deviation from the slope, but it should not be more than 3 mm on the entire length.

When you come to the house master, pay attention to how it will work, of course, to give advice is not necessary, but something and you can clarify if the installation process will seem suspicious.

What to pay attention when you install Windows

Any artist must comply with technology. For example, initially it is required to prepare the window frame for installation: remove the film (if this is not done immediately, the film is tightly stuck to the glass), remove the sash. The installation is strictly vertical and the horizon using a special measuring tool.

To the outside of the frame, before installation, the technician should attach the protective tape (PSUL) – it doesn't leak steam and moisture. The vapor barrier is attached and after the installation of Windows around its perimeter. This tape is a crucial element of Windows, and it is responsible for the durability of the design. With a sash window can last up to 20 years or more, as mounting the seam will be protected from moisture and steam.

Fill the space between the wall and the frame with foam only once glued tape. The foam can be of two types: for works in warm and cold season. It is important that the foam used in accordance with the temperature regime, and in the case of winter construction and installation make sure that the master enjoyed a special protective shield that traps body heat. Foam loses its properties if the ambient temperature is -10 degrees and below, because the protective screen is needed. The complexity of the work in the winter leads to slightly higher prices for services, although some firms regard the winter as the dead season, and do not charge.

For a long time nobody carries out the installation of plastic Windows only on the foam. Usually with this method of installation is necessary to carry out the structural repair in 3-4 years. But the sill is placed on the foam, after which the installers make it approximately 1 cm under the frame. Please note, the installation of the window unit and the sill is standard. Sometimes allowed to put the sill without, just close to the frame, but these situations are rather the exception, not the rule. It so happens that the distance between the window sill and is large, and it is impossible to have the window sill by just 1 cm In this case by means of a cement mixture reduces the distance is longer, but better. The junction of the sill and the window in the required order is processed by the sealant.

The ebb is an integral element of any window. The window sill inside the apartment you can bet whenever you want, but the tides must be mounted together with a window of PVC. Otherwise, from the very first rain, you will regret such savings, the water outside will fall under the frame, over time this causes significant deformation of the structure. Well, if the bottom of the tide, the wizard will pave a layer of foam. Attach the flashings to the special mounting profile screws, as a rule, using mastic or sealing tape.

Be sure to remember that in brick and panel houses Windows are installed in different ways. To calculate the distance at which you want to put a window in a particular type of building can only real professional – that's why you need to contact the company with good reviews and competent craftsmen.
To ensure long life, the producers can offer consumers and their innovative developments in the installation. On this, as a rule, warn the customer.

The acceptance of the works

To assess the quality of this work must, of course, acceptance. After the installation has been completed, the customer has to check everything. You should repeatedly open and close the sash window (they don't have anything to cling to). The porch should be about 8 mm, between the doors, if you skip a sheet of thin paper, back it needs to come out with some force. Be sure to remove all labels and stickers to check the integrity of the surface, absence of cracks and scratches. Please focus on the hardware.

Hooks, hooks, handle must operate easily, to be serviceable, comfortable. On the window there must be no drops, all stains and spots, the master must wash immediately, especially if they are on the sealing elements in the future this may violate the integrity of the whole structure.

If the installation window made incorrectly or poorly, is to rearrange this window again makes no sense and needs to be replaced the window unit.