First of all, parent should be able to prove to the child that will support him in any situation. Many believe that the conflict between the student and teacher there is nothing wrong, and begin to sound the alarm after the child happens to be a neurosis, and he refuses to go to school. Better not to bring this up, especially in the early stages of a conflict situation can be resolved just by talking.
Be sure to attend parent meetings even if you have a suspicion that you will hear there is something unpleasant about your child. If between a student and a teacher there was some misunderstanding, stay after the meeting and talk with the teacher on this topic. Most likely, this will be enough to resolve the conflict. The teacher respects himself and will not be fundamentally at odds with first-graders.
Invite your child to talk to a teacher, especially if your son or daughter is already in secondary or even high school. Many teachers like latchkey kids who try to solve their problems without forcing parents to do this. It is likely that the teacher and the mentee will find a common language without your intervention.
Try not to make categorical conclusions. Do not tell your child telling you about the conflict with the teacherthat an adult can't be wrong, and in the conflict blame the kid. It is not to blame when a child by his teacher. The student must know that the family respect his teacher.
If the conflict still occurred and the parties refuse to listen to each other, try to bring in an "independent expert" of the school psychologist. A qualified specialist will help to eliminate conflict, not to demean the dignity of a baby and an adult.
In extreme cases, if understanding does not work and the teacher and student became mortal enemies, think about how to translate the child in another class or even another school. This will save your nerves and your son or daughter that you and the teacher.