To purchase assets, first of all find out what it is. An asset is something that brings you money. Also they considered what you have and no income, but in the future when you sell it you will get more money than it spent on the acquisition. For example, the property you rent, is your asset. At the same time, the apartment or the house in which you live, cannot be considered an asset, as many mistakenly believe, but rather is your passive, as it pulls you out the money to pay rent, buy furniture etc.
If you understand what assets are, you can buy them. To buy a property for rental, look online offers available. Better buy ready-made housing in a developed, economically stable state. Abroad you can find very affordable housing, and its yield is a suitable choice for a twenty to thirty percent per annum. If you are going to use this option, prepare a few tens-hundreds of thousands of dollars.
If you don't have enough money to purchase real estate, buy it on credit. This is advantageous because Bank rate mortgage abroad is significantly below the level of inflation in Russia. Use the services of banks in Portugal, Cyprus and Spain – they are loyal in other are buyers of real estate from Russia.
If you don't want to take out a loan and you have some savings, buy a property at the initial stage of construction, and when construction work will be completed, sell. This method will bring you twenty-five to thirty percent per annum, and at successful coincidence of circumstances and fifty.
Consider earnings for real estate time-consuming? Buy stock fast-growing company. However, before you buy a stock, review the statistics of the companies and select the one which has been operating for a long time and has established itself in the market. Promotions will bring you a passive income, depending on the number of purchased securities and the conditions put forward by the company for sale. Also promotions will bring you profits when you decide to implement them.