You will need
  • - account book;
  • - paper A4;
  • - handle;
  • - printed manual on labour protection, occupational safety, electrical safety, etc.
Prepare the actual journal. In some stores where they sell products for offices, you can buy a ready-made, signed and lined for all requirements. But you can line the account book or to make a table on your computer and print. Easier to do such a table on A4 paper, placing the page vertically. Make it many pages, because the journal must be bound, bound and numbered. It is stitched so that it was impossible to pull out or replace pages. With the same purpose the leaves are numbered. Each page shall bear the stamp of the organization. In small firms the journal can be made of ordinary common notebook, but other requirements remain the same.
On the cover make the inscription "register of induction on labour protection (occupational safety, electrical safety, secrecy, etc.)". Below, write the name of the company. Under the name of the company write the phrase "responsible for conducting instruction", his surname, name and patronymic. The title sheet should also be information about when began and finished the document.
Make the table of 7 columns. The number of rows corresponds to the height of the sheet. In the top row write the contents of the columns. In the first column put the date, the second — the surname, name and patronymic instructiunea. They need to specify fully. In the third column is written the year of birth, followed by the position of the new employee, structural unit, in which it will work. The sixth and seventh column meant for signatures instructiunea and instructor. It is better if the table is a u-turn.
Logs registration induction should always be at the workplace of the employee who is responsible for conducting appropriate briefings. They are presented on demand of the Supervisory authorities or the Commission for the protection of labor. A record of the holding is made before this order the employee to work.