Widespread allergic diseases is sometimes erroneously compared to "massive epidemic". However, this kind of illness is not contagious and not dangerous. They have nothing to do with infections, and therefore not capable of causing disease. In the event of relapse of atopic dermatitis causes discomfort to the patient. It manifests itself in the form of itching, rashes and flaking of the skin. The cause of atopic dermatitis is an innate tendency to allergies, neuroendocrine disorders, genetic predisposition, etc.
Especially highly susceptible to atopic dermatitis children. If you are allergic to milk, eggs or chocolate, the use of appropriate products can trigger rash and itching, which is mainly localized on the ulnar and knee folds,the face and neck. Usually this type of dermatitis occurs in early childhood, starting from the first year of life. If it long is not treated, it spreads to neighboring parts of the body.
Treatment should start with going to the doctor to confirm the diagnosis as atopic dermatitis is easily confused with psoriasis. Despite the similarity of the symptoms, the treatments for them are different. After the doctor confirmed the presence of atopic dermatitis, try to stick with their assigned diet. In addition, you must conduct a test to the allergen. Perhaps to prevent allergies, it is sufficient to exclude from the diet of only one or two of the product. If their expulsion the symptoms disappear, the treatment can be considered completed.
If a test allergen has revealed nothing in the diet of the child should simultaneously limit the intake of any highly allergenic foods such as fish, chocolate, eggs, milk. Completely eliminate them from the diet is impossible, but to minimize factors that trigger allergies, need.
The worsening of the dermatitis may be caused by household dust, wearing synthetic and woolen clothes, household chemicals. If you notice that your child is on the hands or feet rash, often try to clean their house, vacuuming, to dislodge dust from carpets. All synthetic clothes will change to a cotton. In winter wear baby clothes only made of soft wool. If there is an Allergy to shampoo, change it with one that is designed for sensitive skin. In the period of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis many should not bathe your baby - the water may cause increased irritation and itching.
Conservative treatment includes use of antihistamines, corticosteroids and hormonal medications. The period of administration of corticosteroids should be short, as they cause side effects such as metabolic disorders, completeness, reduce immunity. To compensate for the latter factor, the doctor will prescribe medications that strengthen the immune system. If your child often have angina, your doctor may prescribe a child and antibiotics because of chronic tonsillitis and laryngitis are also causes of dermatitis and eczema.
Remember that if you delayed treatment atopic dermatitis are able to trigger bronchial asthma, so when the first symptoms begin immediate treatment.