The first thing before purchasing a dishwasher you need to evaluate the capabilities of your kitchen. Embedded machine implies full integration in the existing kitchen. Integration of the machine can be both full and partial. In the first case, the whole machine will be hidden inside the headset and apparently it will be difficult to distinguish from other cabinets, the buttons control the machine can be seen at the end of the door, only opening the device. Semi-integrated dishwasher will become your girlfriend "solo" the only difference is that on the front door it will be possible to attach a decorative panel, designed in the spirit of the whole kitchen. Dishwashing machines for the most part there are 2 sizes of 45 and 60 cm, the size of the machine depends on whether you have free space, but keep in mind, even for a small family, a large machine is preferable small, it is much easier to wash pots, pans and other large kitchen supplies.
The easiest way to install a semi-integrated machine, the installation of which is to connect a machine, you slide it under the countertop and add a decorative panel. Any special tricks and secrets this process does not imply. The only thing that may pose some difficulty is the adjustment of the machine relative to the floor level. Most models of dishwashers are equipped with special screws located on the front of the device with which you can adjust the rear legs and to ensure that the machine would stand still. Well when attaching decorative panels need to be monitored closely, so that she was well fixed, does not rattle and does not interfere with the door opening.
Embedding fully integrated dishwasher as a whole will look more complicated, but not much. It is possible that the machine will lock under the top special fasteners. For each dishwashing machine must be accompanied by an instruction on its embedding, and if you follow it strictly, then the chances for error you will have very little. The only thing you need to remember is that all the preparation you need to meet before you start the process. Supply and drainage water should be easily accessible in case of a possible accident. Also, you may need a special socket for the new dishwasher. If the existing kitchen outlets, no grounding, connecting the machine to a normal outlet, you can get an electric shock. Well, if you're not confident, invite a specially trained wizard, it will install quickly and efficiently, and his services are unlikely to be quite so expensive.