The area of a square is given by:
S = a2
This means that in order to calculate the area of a square, multiply the lengths of two its sides on top of each other. As a result, if you know the area of a square, when you root from this value is possible to know the length of a side of the square.
Example: area of a square is 36 cm2, to find the side of this square, you must take the square root of the area values. Thus, the side length of the square 6 cm
To find the perimeter ofa square must add up the lengths of all its sides. Using the formula this can be expressed as:
P = a+a+a+a.
If you extract the square root of the area values of the squareand then fold the resulting value 4 times, we can find the perimeter of a square.
Example: Given a square with area49 cm2 Yu. It is required to find its perimeter.
You must first extract the square root of the square: √49 = 7 cm
Then, by computing the length of a side of a square, we can calculate the perimeter: 7+7+7+7 = 28 cm
Answer: the perimeter of a square areau 49 cm2 is 28 cm