You will need
  • - Wi-Fi router;
  • - network cable.
Select Wi-Fi router. To do this, find out the characteristics of the wireless adapter of your laptop. In that case, if you do not have a manual to your laptop, view the information on the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop or the network adapter.
Pay special attention to security protocols and types of radio transmission with which the work acquired a router and a wireless adapter of the laptop.
Connect wifi router to AC power. Turn on the equipment. Look on the case the WAN link (DSL, Internet). Connect the cable connection to the Internet.
Find the Ethernet port (LAN). Connect it with a network adapter a desktop computer. Turn on this PC, and launch the browser. Open the user manual for Wi-Fi router. Find out the default IP address of this device. Enter this value in the address bar of the browser.
On the screen is displayed the web interface of the hardware configuration. Open the menu "configure network" (WAN, Internet Setup). Visit the pre-forum of your ISP or contact technical support. Find out the meanings of the options in the menu. Enter these values.
Go to menu "configure Wi-Fi" (Wireless Setup, wifi Settings). Create a wireless access point. Do not forget to specify the security Protocol and type of signal corresponding to the wireless adapter of the laptop.
Save the settings. Restart Wi-Fi router. Connect the laptop to the newly created Wi-Fi network.
Open settings of the network connection on the computer. Set the device a static IP address.
Spend the same configuration of wireless network adapter of the laptop. For access from one device to another, press the key combination Win + R and enter the IP address of the computer or laptop by putting two pre-reverse Slaski "\\".