Log in to your personal account on the site Beeline - it can be found at To enter authorization required - initial login and password should be listed in your copy of the connection contract or its Annex. Provider recommends that you change this password immediately after first login in to your personal account. If you already did, don't forget to use your new password.
Click "Internet" on the main page of the Cabinet and the browser will open the appropriate page that contains information about your current tariff plan. Higher speed data connection, monthly fees and other parameters placed three links, the middle of which is exactly that which is necessary to access the options change the tariff - "tariff plan Change".
Click the link intended to control the rate and select from the list of available options the one that you are most comfortable with. More details about each rate can be viewed on the website Beeline To do this, click the link "Rates". Here they vary from region to region, so you will be prompted to choose your area. You can consult and on the phone customer support 8-800-700-8000 - this call is free to any region. To determine the rate, check the corresponding box next to the desired option and click "Change tariff plan".
Click "Change tariff plan" and on the next page - it is displayed to you to confirm your choice. The procedure of tariff change to be completed. To repeat it, you can not more often than once a month.
All it can do for you and the operator of the customer support center, if you call the number of your customer account and the name that appears in the contract on connection.