You will need
  • - the horizontal bar;
  • - dumbbell.
Engage with the child physical training. Exercises should be daily, engage with the baby, help him in everything. For starters, learn a few exercises with dumbbells. For example, exercise first. Feet - shoulder width apart. Hands freely along the body. Dumbbell for one lift to axillary hollows, on the count of "two" - put in the original position. Repeat this exercise ten to fifteen times. Look at the condition of the child. If he is willing to continue increase the load.
Start training with the bar. Help your child to jump on him, let him hang for some time on it freely. Perhaps the first exercise will be to just learn to stay on the bar. Support the kid when he jumps on the bar and help to get down. Don't keep it hanging for a long time, if he's tired hands or is he just not in the mood to do.
Hold the child so firmly that he could make the effort. Give him the opportunity to pull with all his strength, only then he will succeed to catch up the first time. You can then increase the amount of training.
Not require several pull-UPS immediately after the child pulled up for the first time. Before he can catch up twice, it will take more time. For primary schools the result of five pull-UPS for two or three months of training is more than good.
Try to use the method of "move rails". For the first training clip the bar low enough. Let the child tightened first half-sitting. After twenty pull-UPS in this position, for it is not a problem - raise the bar higher.