Put a cube of any dimension to itself. The front side is called front (f). Regarding her stand out, right (R), left (L), lower (N) rear (W) side.
Turns are denoted by: () a quarter turn clockwise (') - a quarter turn counter-clockwise (") – half turn in either direction. For example, f' is a quarter-turn counterclockwise of the front side.
The Central portion of each side is called the middle. Part having two faces – the marginalia. It is called by name of the parties. For example, the VP marginalia – marginalia faces which are located on the top and right sides.
Part of the cube, which has three sides is called an angle and is also named on the names of the parties. For example, the FPV angle – the angle of the face which lie on the front, right and top sides.
Select the color of the bottom side.
Collect the crest of the same color on the bottom side of the cube so that the center of f and the line of the edges of NP on P the same color. Middle P and marginalia NF f must be the same color.
Pick up midway, f, P, L and Z in the color of the marginalia, respectively, NF, NP, NL and NT. To do this, make the following turns: f";,' or"; P" ;; f". If after the last turn one of the marginalia were raised, go to the previous action.
Assemble the base of the cube. Here are possible options:
1. Face angle FPV the same color as the middle, f is In, the face angle FPV on P color midway P. In this case, follow f' In' F.
2. Face angle FPV the same color as the middle of P is a color midway f and angle FPV f coincide. Make P,, P'.
3. Face angle FPV the same color as the middle, f is in N, a face angle FPV color midway P is in F. Then execute P, V', P',, P,, P'.
If you want to "take out" the angle of the base of the cube, make f'', f, or P, P', or P,', P'.
Assemble the middle row of the cube. The options are:
1. The brink of edges of VP on P is the same color as the base Color of P. a second face of the edges is the same as the color of the base F. In this case, proceed To' f' In f V P V' P'.
2. The color of the base f and the verge of edges in EOF f are the same, the color of the other faces of the edges of VF is the same as at the base of the P. Make, P,', P',' f', In, F.
3. Face color the edges of FP on f is the same as that of midway P. the Other face of the same color, and middle, F. Run P,', P', a', f', f,', P,', P',' f', In, F.
Position the marginalia In the parties concerned. Here you need to locate each marginalia on his side. As it is turned, it doesn't matter.
In order to move the marginalia of VF in place of the marginalia VP run, L'", l, L, L',, L
Expand the edges of the upper base and get a cross of the same color.
To do this, position the cube so that the marginalia In that you want to deploy, accepted the position of the edges of PV. Do F, N', L, N, S, N, N, N'.
Place the corners at the appropriate places. To move do N', f', L', f, F, f', L, F.
Turn all the corners so that all faces of the puzzle are the same color.
To do this, position the cube so that the corner that you want to turn, turned the corner of FVP. Do The P, P', P', F, F, F', P', F.
Angle turns but the dice you will get confused.
Leave the front the same direction. Put the following corner, which you can turn in place angle of FVP. Repeat.
When you're aligning all the angles In the faces of the cube are the colors.