You will need
  • Calculator
For numbers in the hexadecimal system uses the decimal digits from 0 to 9 and Latin letters A to F. A represents decimal 10, F - 15, therefore the decimal number 16 in hexadecimal is represented as 10. Any number in the hexadecimal system can be represented as a power of 16 multiplied by the coefficient. In order to denote a hexadecimal number, after it decided to put h – the first letter of the Latin word hexametric (hexadecimal).
In order to represent a decimal number as a hexadecimal, you must divide it by 16 as long as the whole part of the quotient is equal to zero. Each modulo, if it is less than 16, write to the free bytes a hexadecimal number from right to left.
If a decimal number less than sixteen, replace it with the appropriate number ofm hexadecimal system:
For example, how to represent hexadecimal number 46877? Divide it by 16, find the the integer part and the remainder:
46877:16= 2929, 8125
A part 2929, now find the rest:
The remainder is less than 16, so write it down in hex in the lower byte numbers: Dh
The received integer quotient divide by 16:
The whole part 183. Find the balance:
Since 1<16, record the balance in the previous category: 1Dh
Again divide the quotient by 16:
Find the balance:
Since 7<16, get the remainder 7 in the previous category of hexadecimal numbers: 71Dh
Quotient divide by 16:
Integer part of division result is equal to 0, so put 11 in hexadecimal form in byte numbers:
11=Bh, respectively, the whole number will look like this:46877=B71Dh
Check the result of calculations by transfer of the resulting hexadecimal number to decimal:
B71D=Bx16^3+7x16^2+1x16^1+Dx16^0=11x4096+7x256+16+13=46877Результат correct.