When an exhibition, the first question to ask yourself – for what purpose it is planned to conduct the exhibition. If you wish to win popularity among the invited, or your goal is to sell art objects. When this issue is resolved, in accordance with it, are placed further priorities.
What amount of money you plan to spend on the organization of the exhibition. This question defines the rest of the things, because if you assign a specific amount that do not have at the moment for specific activities, this amount will determine which exhibition hall you take, how much to spend on advertising, see the media and even what will entertain guests at the exhibition opening.
If the show is an aspiring artist, then you can look for free organization. Will be able to sell during the exhibition of paintings bys or not any exhibit will still give impact. Free to make the exhibition possible if you negotiate with bars, banks, corporations, in the halls which to hang paintings. For example, the exhibition in the bar best as an artist and the owner of the establishment: the first gets the opportunity to show their art, and the second additional profits from the visitors of the exhibition that will order. The artist, if you do not even sell, can receive work orders.
When the room for the exhibition the question is solved, then the problem arises how to prepare the exposition, where to hang paintingsyou like to make out. You may need the services of a curator, who will be able to help with this issue. Otherwise you'll have to rely on your taste and the characteristics of the premises.
Exhibition ready, opening day appointed, it remains the most important – visitors. You need to let people know that you have arranged the exhibition, otherwise what was the point of all. You'll need to organise is. You can advertise on radio, in Newspapers and on the Internet. Also today, a very popular social network. There are a lot of projects on the events. Create meetings for his exhibition, and many people will visit it, learn about it from the Internet, this method of advertising is free.