To create a test you will need a program-constructor

On the Internet you can download dozens of varieties of the programs-designers, is designed for making tests. With their help, anyone can create a quiz with a clear structure and model algorithm of work.

But before you start work on compiling a test, you must determine its type. There are two main varieties, which differ only form questions.

How to create a quiz with questions "Yes / no"?

The first type includes tests, answers to questionnaires which have only two options – "Yes" or "no". As a rule, they contain a fixed number of questions in plain text. For each "Yes" answer gets a certain number of points; the answer is "no" passing the test of a man is not getting points. At the end of the test, all scores are tallied, and the program selects one or the other result. Their number is strictly defined and is rarely more than 4-5 options.

All the parameters described above are defined in the program generator tests manually in the appropriate bookmarks.

How to create a quiz with answers of "select from a list of answers"?

The second type of tests – with answers like "choose from a list of answers. If they pass the test are invited to choose from the most close to him answers. To create the test you want to prepare in advance a sufficient number of possible answers. They should be as diverse as possible, to illuminate the test problem from many different perspectives.

As you progress through the test, points are awarded for every selected item. After answering the last question, they are summed, and on the user's screen displays the results of the diagnostics.