You will need
  • - passport;
  • - surname, name, patronymic of the recipient;
  • - Bank details;
  • - account number or Bank card;
  • - cash to pay the fee.
The fastest and most convenient way to transfer money is to use a system of instant money transfers. It can be Unistream, Western Union, Contact and others. Money sent this way arrive within a couple of hours or even minutes. Also for instant translations do not need to know details of the receiving Bank or to open an account.
Go to the nearest service point, show the employee a document proving your identity, please complete the application for transfer of the funds, which must include the name and surname of the recipient. Then make money and pay the fee for the transfer, the amount of which is determined by the amount of sent funds. Then the operator will tell you the order number that you must give to the recipient. It is on the basis of it he will get sent to your translation. Minus sending a similar system is in large fees.
Use a standard wire transfer. To do this, find out all the details of the recipient Bank (name, BIC, INN, correspondent account), as well as the name, account number or Bank card of the person to whom you want to send money. Then come to the Bank and give the operator your passport, Bank details of the recipient and the money transfer. After payment of fee your funds will be sent to another account. It is best to transfer money between branches of the same Bank, as it will be cheaper and faster (day). Send to another Bank can take 3 days.
Make a transfer mail. The procedure to send money similar to the money transfer system, only it is much cheaper, and the list will be much longer. This method is used in the case where it is necessary to transfer funds in the deepest countryside.