In order to be able to access the local disk, the need to manage an account that has owner rights to the volume. Turn on the computer running the Windows operating system.
Click on "My computer" the same way you. Perform right click of the mouse on the icon for your local disk. Hover on the "share" and select "Advanced setup".
Go to menu "Security", clicking on the same tab. Click "Advanced" and go to "Owner". Select the account by pressing the button "Change". Save settings on the local disk.
Now open the properties of local disk through the Windows Explorer menu. Go to "Access" and click "Advanced setup". Check the box next to "share this folder". Enter the name of the network resource in the appropriate field.
Click "Permissions" by pressing the corresponding button. Select the user group for which you will have access to the disk. If you plan to allow to use a network resource of any account, select "All".
Place a checkmark next to the items "Change" and "Read". Repeatedly press the "Apply" button. Restart the computer and check the local disk.
If you are working with Windows XP, after the start menu right click the mouse on the drive icon and select "sharing and security". Open the tab "Access" after the launch of the new window.
Activate items "Allow modification of files on the network" and "share this folder", clicking their check boxes. Click "Apply" and close the settings menu. Restart the computer after you follow these steps.