The smallest unit of the poem, forming the rhythm is the syllable. They are stressed and unstressed. The group of unstressed syllables that share a single shock forms a stop. The structure and alternation of stop create a rhythmic pattern, or the size of the verse which, as a rule, continues throughout the entire piece. To determine the memory size is sufficient to select a single stanza (the largest alternating unit - couplets, triplets, quatrain, etc.). In Alexander Pushkin's poem "Winter evening" stanza is a quatrain:Storm mist conceals the sky,snow spinning Vortices;Something like a beast, it howl,That cry like a child.
Select the stanza syllables. Schematically draw the structure of the verse thus: strong, stressed syllable mark with " / " and unstressed - "-". Now this stanza will look like this:/ - / - / - / -/ - / - / - // - / - / - / -/ - / - / - /it is Evident that each stressed syllable has one unstressed. This is stop, in this case, the dissyllabic. In the poem N.. Nekrasov "Shyness" stop already three syllables - it consists of two unstressed syllables and one drum:On legs like weights of iron,Like lead head,Strange hands stick out useless,On the lips freeze words.- - / - - / - - / - -- - / - - / - - / - -- - / - - / - - / - -- - / - - / - - / - -So you were able to identify two - and trehshovnye size of the poem.
In classical prosody there are two kinds dostepnego size and three - trehletnego. Dostupnye is ferrets and pentameter. In chorea shock is the first syllable in the foot. That is, we considered the poem "Winter evening" written by hareem. In Yamba, respectively, the stress falls on the second syllable:My uncle the most fair rules.. (A. S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin")- / - / - / - / -Trisyllabic sizes are divided into a dactyl, amphibrach, and anapest. Dactyl - size with the accent on the first syllable:the Clouds of heaven, eternal Wanderers.. (M. Yu, "Cloud")/ - - / - - / - - / - -the Amphibrach is trisyllabic size with the accent on the second syllable:What a foggy business unfriendly this country! (Marshak, "the Lioness")- / - - / - - / -- / - - / - - /Anapest - three syllables in size with the accent on the third syllable, as in the Nekrasov's poem "Shyness".