The participle combines the characteristics of a verb and an adjective. Therefore, some linguists include the sacrament of the morphological category of adjectives. Legalnosti communion is manifested in the existence of categories of collateral, and time. With adjectives it brings the total value of the characteristic of the object, and change according to the gender, case and number.
The greatest difficulty causes the distinction between participles and adjectives. Both parts respond to the same questions "what?", "what?" and indicate the symptom of the subject. To determine that before you – participle or adjective – try to change the word turnover "the one who + verb". For example: "trailing – the one that slides", "lit – the one warm". If such a change was possible, before your communion. Adjectives change to such trafficking is impossible: "winter", "sleepy", "green".
If communion is the dependent word, together they form a involved in trafficking. For example: "Read the letter lay on the table". In this sentence, the participle "read" acts as a simple definition, it has no dependent words. This is the solitary communion. "Mom read the letter lay on the table". Here, "read by mommy" is involved in the turnover ofom: "read by whom? mom."
In the proposals involved in the turnover can stand before the modified word: "the Teacher checked the dictation written the day before". Here define the word "dictation" - "what?" - "written before" (involved in trafficking). It can also be placed after the defined words: "the Teacher checked the dictation written the day before".
Depending on before or after the defined costs involved in turnover, it either stands out in the letter with commas or not. For example: "the Road was in the marshes with pine forests". Define the word "wetlands" (from it is the question to communion: "of wetlands what? covered"). There is in the proposal and is involved in trafficking: "overgrown – those who shoots what? forest what? pine". It is designated after the word and comma stands out. But involved in the turnover of thes in front of the designated word, not isolated: "the Road went among the pine forest of the marshes".