Go to the website of the company go be sure to register to gain access to. Without it you cannot make a purchase. After registration to the specified e-mail link. Clicking on the link, you confirm that you are real human and not a spam bot.
Log in using the login and password that you used when you registered. Select menu item "Catalogue". Select the desired product and its quantity. After making your selection, click "Buy now" - item moved to the trash. If you wish to complete the purchase, click "return to catalog". A product that is already in the basket, will not disappear.
After you're done with product selection, go to cart. Carefully examine the list order, so you do not have to pay a randomly selected product. If you have an item you do not wish to purchase, click the "Delete item". After removal of the position will automatically be recalculated and you will see the total amount of the order.
If everything is correct, click "Checkout". Fill in true information about themselves. Make sure of the correct spelling of your contact's phone number. On it you will contact the operator to specify the date and time of delivery.
Shipping is by courier or postal order. In the first case the payment is made in cash after the transfer and verification of the order. In the second case, you pay for the goods and shipment. Shipping cost depends on weight of your order.