Will draw up a contract of purchase and sale and the agreement of a fee, if you purchase a car in a thrift store. To do this, the seller will ask you the passport and he'll fill in the blanks contracts. Cars that are offered for sale through consignment shops, as a rule, removed from registration in traffic police. In the vehicle there is a corresponding note of the fact that the machine struck off the register for sale. Check the account when making the purchase.
Read very carefully the document before signing, please check all the filled details with the data of your passport, passport of the seller and the passport hardware. If you notice errors, require that the seller had copied the documents. Otherwise you will have trouble registering the car.

Ask the seller a copy of the license store stamped. It is necessary for setting the machine on the account in traffic police.
After the signing of the treaties furnished the seller will bill you, take the money and issue documents confirming the payment.
Will draw up a contract of purchase and sale with the owner of the car chosen for the announcement. The document can be executed in simple written form, as notarized it is not necessary. You will need a blank agreement forms, your passport, the passport holder and the passport of the vehicle. Carefully check the contract details in its design. If you or the owner of the car for any reason do not wish to make document, contact organizations that provide legal services.
Take a trip with the owner of the vehicle sold in MREO of traffic police for deregistration of the vehicle before signing the contract. At the same time the inspector of traffic police find out, isn't theft if the machine will check the passport of a vehicle for authenticity. Then sign a contract of sale. Give the money to the seller of the machine, require the former owner a receipt for the money. It must be stated your name and address, passport details, make and model of the car, its VIN, the amount of money transferred in payment for the car.

Check with the traffic police inspector, the possibility of registration of the car in the same day. If possible, put the car on the account, "on the spot".