In the period of adolescence in the psyche of the child changes significantly. Perceiving information about the world, the teenager immediately associate it with you. His nervous system is overloaded, so just one wrong word, that he "exploded." During this period, it is important to develop the right communication style, which allows not to injure the child's mind to calm him, if necessary.
Most importantly, the need for communication with the teenager is trusting you. But at the expense of what it occurs? The child should know that whatever act he did, you will not blame him, and especially to punish. A calm explanation of the error, a friendly conversation is much more effective than screaming and threats. At the time of the onset of adolescence your child needs to know that there is no problem or issue with which he would not be able to come to you.
It is very important that the child respects you is one of the factors in the emergence of trust. If there is no respect, your words will be useless. Teenage is a perfectionist and won't listen to someone who is not his authority.
If a trust exists, much easier. Seeing that your child is upset about something, you can try to talk to him. It to try as it might the bayonets to meet any of your words. Don't ask him "What happened?", this question could only provoke a flash of anger. Softly and gently ask how things are going. If the teenager muttered "fine", runs away, leave him alone, wait for a more favorable moment. In that case, if his reaction shows that he's willing to talk, ask what he new. The child can tell you about the events of the day, including to tell about their problems. Knowing the cause of his disorder, you will be able to help it specific Council.
A good way to calm the teenager is switching his attention from the festering negative thoughts to something else. Do not suggest him to do something interesting – for example, to play football, chess, etc. In his condition, this proposal can be regarded as a joke. Ask him to help you in any case - this version is much more effective. No matter what it is – a door repair, crane, computer, or something else. The child hardly will refuse to help you, the work will help get his mind off unpleasant thoughts. Then, in a calm atmosphere, you can try to find out the essence of the problem and help to cope with it.