To calculate the numerological numbers need to add up all the numbers and letters of the license plate. The correspondence of letters to numbers you can see in the table.

For example, the number OF 235 TONS. Determine what numbers correspond to the letters: O – 7; T – 2; N – 6.

Now draw a mathematical operation: 7 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 6 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7.

If you receive a number with a zero at the end of zero is discarded, for example, if you turned 10, you should take 1.

Now consider the interpretation of the resulting numbers:

1. The unit will attract money and wealth, if the car to be handled with care. A car with this number will never let on long trips or in everyday life, provided if the car will be the permanent owner. Main features of the "character" of the machine with the same numerological number – courage and impulsiveness.

2. According to numerology, two symbolizes protection, i.e., there is no fear that the car will be stolen. A car with this sign will provide comfort.

3. The car with three of a kind suitable for successful business. This number will help in financial transactions. But this car will have to pay a lot of attention.

4. In numerology four is considered an unlucky number. The car can attract accidents and thefts. Machine drivers with this sign must be careful and cautious, then any extreme situation will end favorably.

5. Five is suitable for beginners. The machine will be conducive to new business.

6. The main feature of the car with a numerology number six is the continuity. Unforeseen situations will not arise, on the contrary, we should expect only scheduled events.

7. Seven did not like being alone, so the machine is better not to go alone. Driving a car with this number obliges strictly adhere to the rules. Overtaking or speeding it is better to avoid.

8. Eight is also considered unlucky in numerology. In the car probable frequent breakdowns. Also, do not expect success either in personal life or in business.

9. Machine with numerological number 9 can be considered a kind of talisman. The driver is stable, trouble on the road will occur very rarely.