This monastery is located on mount Songshan in Central China in the city of Dengfeng). Of all the buildings it highlights the original architecture. The temple may seem unusual and at the same time, attractive for its originality.

It is known that the monastery lay in ruins for half a century. This was a consequence of the Second world war. In this regard, in Shaolin there are only eight monks, who knew the skill of martial arts and meditative techniques. And to teach at the time was absolutely no one.


But over time the monastery began to improve. Funds were allocated to rebuild the temple. After all, Shaolin is not only a landmark of China, but also its cultural heritage. Therefore, for Chinese people it is very important that the monastery was restored.

Direct contribution to the development of the temple brought the film. A large flow of novices was the time of the release of the film "Shaolin Temple". While the film enjoyed great popularity. Young people are interested in learning martial arts.

Nowadays the monks also teach young people the martial art and spiritual balance. To have the power of the spirit and learn how to conduct a correct lifestyle is the main goal of novices.

As in the old days, the monks also dressed in yellow robes spacious. If you talk to one of them, you can feel the full force of the spirit of the pupils of Shaolin.

In the vicinity are many commercial martial arts schools. They are intended for foreign tourists. Anyone can attend one or more sessions and learn more about kung fu. After a few sessions you will hardly be able to master all art, but perhaps will learn a few techniques.


There is a legend about the "southern Shaolin". It was invented by the author of the adventure novel. It was called "WAN nian Qing". The book describes how the future Emperor of China traveled to southern China, and it had some unusual things.

In the story described in this novel, to believe the illiterate inhabitants of China. Since this legend passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. In fact, nothing like this has happened, as "southern Shaolin" simply did not exist. All geographic data were checked field expeditions, and never found a single building and object described in the book.


Walking around the temple, you can find several stalls selling goods and products. There you can buy Souvenirs.

The area itself is a tourist place, but the cafes and restaurants nearby a bit. Near the monastery there are a couple Chinese restaurants, where you will be able to dine. What kind of foodie you are, be careful about the dish. Chinese cuisine is quite different from Russian, so it's best to consult with the waiter. Most importantly, do not eat what would spoil your walk to Shaolin.

By visiting the Shaolin temple in our time, you will feel the magic of China and will come into contact with the historical era of the great monastery.