The dead should be respected

In recent years it has become fashionable to take photos in cemeteries, drink alcohol, idly walking among the graves and just do what comes to mind. Such thoughtless actions of the people cause great harm, especially to himself. The dead should be respected and if you just decided to wander aimlessly through the cemetery, try not to make noise and not to run. The dead don't like violent manifestations of emotions, and can hurt other people's feelings, are at this moment on the graves of their deceased relatives.

Also, it is not overly suffer. It often happens that the grieving relatives start almost every day to go to the grave and literally bury himself next to a recently deceased loved one. It should not be done. It turns out that cry, sobs, and lamentations interfere with your departed loved one. His soul finds no peace. Severe pain can even lead to the fact that a dead relative might even pick someone from the family members with themselves and such incidents happen quite often. So try when you visit the cemeteries to keep a low profile and to let go of the deceased, how hard you would not have to do it.

Get ready for a trip to the cemetery

First and foremost, pay attention to the shoes. It should not be open, even when it's very hot. You've probably heard time and again about how terrible the rites occur on the earth taken from the grave. In open shoes you yourself cling to the dust and grave earth, and then bring her home, so you should always visit cemeteries only in closed shoes, which upon returning home should be thoroughly washed.

Clothes in which you are going to go to the cemetery, should not be bright and challenging. Stop your choice on the tranquil shades. It is advisable to wear something black or solid color.

Now about the hair. Previously, women almost always wore headgear, regardless of the time of year. Now this tradition is gone. However, the cemetery is best to go with the head covered, or gathering hair into a tight bun. The fact that a large number of magical rituals conducted with the help of nails and hair.

Hair have a strong energetic connection with the person to whom they belong. Accidentally fallen hair on the cemetery could run a mechanism, which is widely use all sorts of sorcerers and psychics for guidance spoilage.

The hair that has fallen on the tomb, has a connection with a person's thoughts, so he can start to have nightmares and come into my head just a wild thought.

Do not walk on the graves

While visiting the cemetery, try to go only on special trails and paths, do not step on the graves and wreaths.

Never take the house from old rags and brooms for cleaning of the graves. Things have been in the house, energizing people who used them. It is impossible in any case wipe the monuments of old clothes living relatives. Not stingy, and specially buy the equipment for cleaning.

Nothing to take away from the cemetery home. All used napkins, garbage, glasses throw in a special container located in the cemetery.

Often in the cemetery there is a water tap intended for tomb-sweeping. Never wash and do not wash hands with water from the tap. For these purposes, bring water from home.

Do not allow any biological waste on graves. If you "itch", then in any case it is not necessary to defecate in abandoned graves. First, it's just a basic disrespect for the memory of the deceased, and secondly, you can pick up some disease buried here. Believe it or not.