How is the status of enhanced peristalsis

Normally, when the continuous accumulation of the intestine its wave-like abbreviations are always followed by periods of rest. Entering the intestine, the food irritate interoreceptors, as a result, the peristalsis is enhanced. Reduction walls move the contents (chyme) in the large intestine and the small intestine free from excessive irritation and stretching. When the intestine has no content (for example, complete fasting), peristalsis slows down or stops.

However, in some cases there is considerable irritation of the intestinal mucosa. Enhanced motility is caused by reflexes involving the brain stem and the autonomic nervous system and reflex activation of the intermuscular plexus in the digestive tube. Bowel movements become more fluid because of the rapid movement portion of the content is not time to be absorbed into the blood. A painful condition in which you receive frequent, liquid stool, called diarrhea (diarrhea).

The reasons strengthen the intestinal peristalsis

The enhanced motility observed in some intestinal diseases, because of acute intestinal infections, acute exacerbations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cancer pathology of the digestive system, while intestinal dysbiosis. Enhanced fermentation processes lead to increased gas formation and the appearance of flatulence. Stretching of the intestine causes colicky pains. In the lumen of the colon when connecting fatty acids with salts of magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium Soaps are formed, which are present in the faeces in the form of white lumps.

Diarrhea may develop with a healthy walls of the intestines, arising in the nervous system. In some cases, as a result of excessive excitement or fear mental (cortical) impact on the intestines, increase peristalsis and cause diarrhea (so-called "bear's disease"). Diarrhea also occurs as a result of excitation of intestinal motility coarse vegetable food gives a lot of undigested residues (fruits, vegetables, bread with bran), fat, indigestible food. Sometimes it is a protective adaptive response, which displays products that can be harmful to the body.

Intestinal peristalsis may increase as a result of the impact of poorly digested food in the stomach. Such diarrhea is called gestagennoy. Enhanced peristalsis and frequent stools (up to 6-8 times a day) leads to loss of salts, fluids, products the digestion of food. Simple dyspeptic disorder must be distinguished from infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For this purpose, conduct bacteriological and coprological study.