PayPal-endometrial biopsy: indications, advantages

Indications for pipel biopsy of the endometrium are: identifying the causes of infertility, diagnosis of painful bleeding in women aged 40 years, determining the cause of bleeding, research before prescribing hormonal therapy or oral contraceptive preparations. It is performed in case of increased risk of proliferation of cancer cells, endometriosis. The procedure prescribed in the comprehensive study before a transvaginal ultrasound, diagnostic hysteroscopy.

Paypel biopsy preferable to conventional procedures for curettage of the endometrium with increased risk of developing endometriosis, the spread of cancer cells and other diseases. The procedure is simple and minimally invasive, has a lower cost in comparison with other methods of research mucosa. It is performed with sterile disposable instrument, its use eliminates the possibility of infection.

How do PayPal-endometrial biopsy

Paypel biopsy is performed on day 7-13 of the monthly cycle. Before procedure it is necessary to hand over a smear on flora. In the preoperative period it is recommended to avoid excessive exercise and heat treatments, to refrain from drinking.

For antennas use a special catheter - a tool consisting of a flexible plastic tube with lateral holes and pistons. The catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity, then pull the plunger about half. In the tube it creates pressure, it absorbed the cells from the surface of the uterine glands. The procedure lasts no longer than 30 seconds. Because the catheter has a small diameter to 4.5 mm, the enlargement of the uterus do not perform, do not produce analgesia. The resulting material is given to the laboratory for histological examination.

Under the influence of hormones, the mucous membrane of the uterus changes, the changes identified in her study under the microscope. The results of the research histologist analyzes together with the gynecologist. Then the doctors give an opinion on whether there are changes in the structures of the endometrium. Paypel biopsy is informative in disorders of the menstrual cycle or you suspect a precancerous condition, endometrial cancer.

There is a small risk of developing complications after the procedure. These include: the development of an infection, presence of blood, bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen. Contraindications to PayPal biopsy are: pregnancy, inflammatory processes of the cervix and vagina.