Why the client says: "Expensive"

The reasons for such objections can be set. The most banal – the customer expects a discount. There are the type of people who are accustomed to bargain always and everywhere, even if the price of a product or service is quite acceptable. Objection "Expensive" in this case is used to start bargaining.

Another reason for criticism – compare. The client can compare the cost of a product or service with the cost of last year, the price of a competitor or their own ideas about how much should it cost this product. Also the reason for objection may be the insolvency of the client.

In order to handle objections and overcome them, you need to determine why. Sometimes to determine the cause is to ask the client directly.

Working with objection "Expensive"

Identifying the cause of why the client says "Expensive", you can go to work with the opposition. So, if the client is just trying to beg you for a discount, you absolutely don't have to go at it on occasion. In this situation, you need to throw all the efforts to interest the buyer to justify the price, emphasize the advantages of the product itself and related services. Only in the case that the client will continue to stick to their line, and you will feel that without the discount, the transaction simply pluck, it makes sense to consider the option to reduce the price for a specific customer. This option is justified if it is a regular customer or a potential customer, a customer who buys a large consignment of goods, etc.

A little harder will have to work with the objection of a buyer comparing your price to a competitor's price. One of the major mistakes sellers – they start making excuses, telling that they have higher purchase prices, more rent or transportation costs. All of this is your problem, and the client they do not care. Your task is cultural to point out the benefits the client will receive, working with you.

It is desirable to know, what exactly can you beat the competition. For example, a longer warranty, better service, documentation, etc In the competition it is important not to overreact: in any case don't speak about your competitors is bad, criticizing the quality of someone else's product, service or something else.

If the price for a specific customer is really high, you have only two options. First – does not work with this client. The second is to offer him installments, delay or any more acceptable for both parties method of payment.