Cars can be seen as 8-milatanya motors and 16-ticklepenny. Some drivers prefer the first and some the second. The choice of engine is influenced by many factors, including, of course, cost savings. Those who require speed and power, prefer the 8-valve units. And fans of high speed and starts striking at the traffic lights you must buy a machine with 16-ticklepenny engine. But each engine has both advantages and disadvantages.

Differences in the technical parameters

So, the main difference between 8-mollapanakh engine from the 16-tylpanov is power. The second more, because the intake fuel mixture and exhaust is much easier. 8-mollapanakh there is one inlet and one for exhaust. 16-ticklepenny motors have two mounting holes. This factor also affects the engine power.

But it should also be noted that the torque and power of both types of motors are different at low and high rpm. So, the 8 valve motors have more power at low revs, while a 16-ticklepenny will be weaker. But at high revs the engine the picture is the opposite.

16-ticklepenny engines love to overheat, it impacts them not very good. 8-milatanya motors are a little harder to overheat. Often 16-ticklepenny engines break down due to overheating. Failure, usually located in the cylinder head and the valves. To prevent overheating, it is necessary to monitor the quality and level of oil as gasoline. One should not pour into the tank of poor quality fuel.

The differences in design and service

Of course, in the construction of engines you will find a lot of differences. The most important is a more complex design of the cylinder head 16-ticklepenny motors (because of the more complex designs cylinder head engines are prone to overheating). There are two camshafts, which drive the pairs of valves. 8-mollapanakh engine only one camshaft, which also actuates a pair of valves.

Here you can see another feature is the timing belt 16-tylpanov motor as long as it drives two shafts. So the cost is higher. Another note on the presence of the second roller. Similarly, the replacement of valves and camshafts will be more expensive.